14 People You’ll Meet At The Gym (As Told In GIFs)

14 People You’ll Meet At The Gym (As Told In GIFs)


Oh, the gym. I’m lucky enough to live in a building with its own gym (which is mercifully never busy because everyone in my building is already in shape or something). But man, for years I went to one really popular gym in Philly and, dang, I saw some things. Gyms are sweaty, smelly microcosms, with their own hilarious manners (everybody gets a turn on the elliptical, dammit!) and personalities. And it seems that whether you’re talking the fanciest upscale city gym, or smallest local workout center, there are certain people you’ll always find there. After the jump, we run through some of the women we always run into when we’re sweating our butts off.