14 Photographs That Shatter Your Image of Famous People

6 Kurt Cobain Eating an Entire Pizza

… it’s still a shock to realize sometimes the man just sat down and ate an entire pizza like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.

This is something everybody should understand about depression, by the way. Tell me you haven’t at least once heard somebody say, “I refuse to believe it was suicide, I was just out with Mike two weeks ago. He was laughing and joking and eating an entire pizza like it was a video game power-up.”


Then later played “Cat Puppet” with his daughter while doing a high-pitched cat voice.

Well, depression works that way. Movies have given us a skewed idea of how it works, because there, when a character enters his “dark period,” it’s with a montage full of sad music and drinking and moping in dim rooms. Real life isn’t like that. Not only do moods fluctuate, but even when you’re at your lowest you find yourself in social situations where you’re not allowed to show it. If you’re in a dark place but can’t get out of your nephew’s birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese’s, you’re going to put on a smile for the camera. You feel selfish bringing everybody else down. You put on a cheerful mask.

Then, ironically, if you start playing the role of the tortured artist later, you have to worry about the opposite — being photographed in a moment of being goofy and carefree. On a similar note …