8 Things That Happen In Movies But NEVER In Real Life



If there’s one thing that women in movies love soooo much, it is having really steamy-hot sex with an attractive guy. “OH YEAH!” they always scream in ecstasy, “Keep giving me the sex, Leonardo DiCaprio!”, enjoying it the whole time until eventually achieving orgasm. Sure, it looks great on film, and we all know that “Sex Sells Things” as I always say, but there’s one itty bitty little problem here: In real life, it never happens.

Trust me: I’ve had sex with half-dozens of ladies in my lifetime, and not only do they never achieve orgasm, they usually barely even enjoy it, often entering into intercourse extremely reluctantly as though they’re drunkenly doing you a favor motivated primarily out of pity. Maybe if you took the dollar bills out of your ears, Spielberg, you’d hear that women aren’t shouting “OH GOD!”, they’re actually shouting “Oh God I hope that condom didn’t just break, actually Dan can you stop for a second to be safe?” Well SORR-EEE, Coryn, I guess I’m not AVATAR or whatever this “perfect man” is that you seem to want me to be. You reading this, Coryn? You’re reading this.