The WORST Jobs in America

2 Lumberjack

If the job has a show documenting it on the Discovery Channel, it is probably extremely undesirable to the average guy or girl. This is the case for lumberjacks, a job that makes very little money and brings with it potentially fatal risks. The trees can weigh thousands of pounds on their own, and the addition of weather hazards, sharply bladed equipment, and human error make logging one of the most dangerous occupations in the entire country.

As recently as 2008, the fatality rate was 108 per 100,000 workers, a staggering rate when you compare it to other industries in America. The risk of dying is one thing, but consciously thinking about the risk of death while on the job can make everyday an emotional roller coaster.

With every strong gust of wind, impending rain cloud, or holler from a coworker, a timber cutter must have the fear of serious harm in the forefront of his mind. There are so many conditions that make being a lumberjack a job exclusively for the brave; working on land that is often steeply angled and long distances from medical care being chief among them.

The average annual salary of $33,114 makes this one of the most mind blowing career paths for those who do not choose it. Whether a timber cutter by necessity or choice, the adrenaline and outdoors nature of the job can attract certain type of adventurous personalities and be the path to a fulfilling life.