15 Ways To Use (And Eat) Bacon

14 Bacon Cinnabons
What would the world of cooking be without bacon? Nothing to be quite honest. As breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner have shown, bacon rules all thanks to its ability to be manly or succulent when mixed into any old recipe that’s straight out of a cookbook. Since we live in the 21 century, that even includes homemade Cinnabon-style Cinnamon Buns. Made with a bread machine and detailed instructions, the outlandish take on the food court phenomenon puts bacon right into the thick of things, combining it with cream cheese and strong white bread flour that helps give it a unique taste. While the idea of it all sounds tantalizing, it truly isn’t satisfying until you make one yourself and watch the cinnamon bun break in half and show that it’s hiding bacon. One thing’s for sure, that moment will make sure you never visit a Cinnabon again.