The 25 Most Important Full Frontal Nude Scenes in Movies

12 Showgirls (1995)
Elizabeth Berkley, Showgirls

Actor who stripped down: Elizabeth Berkley
Why they’re fully nude: Vegas, baby!

What would a Paul Verhoeven/Joe Eszterhas collaboration be without a little bit of female genitalia? Saved by the Bell alum Elizabeth Berkley scores a full-frontal hat trick as she climbs the corporate ladder from stripper to showgirl in this ultimate guilty pleasure movie.

Boasting nudity for the sake of nudity, the film—about the trials, tribulations and water-based sexcapades of a down-and-out Vegas dancer—was the first NC-17-rated film to receive a major theatrical release. While the movie failed to impress in cinemas, it gained a cult following on home video, where it earned an additional $100 million in rentals, ultimately making it one of the studio’s most profitable films.

But what would Kelly Kapowski say?