The WORST Jobs in America

1 Dairy Farmer

When it comes to the combination of low pay, disgusting personal and workplace conditions, and the frequency of unpleasant tasks no one has it worse than dairy farmers. With an average annual income of just over $33,000, your common dairy farmer does not have much hope of building up his 401k, even with the relative affordability that farm life can offer.

Your job as a dairy farmer is to ensure that your cattle are healthy, tended to, and able to produce milk to be sold. Seeing how your job is as a caretaker of another living being, the farmer must embrace the long hours that come with rising early to feed the cows and let them graze. This is a year-round process, and caring for the cattle on the daily basis becomes as routine as waking up, showering, and brushing their own teeth.

Because cattle live in muck and mud, a dairy farmer’s work conditions are sloppy and smelly, and they come home from work smelly and covered in mud. The farmer has enough to worry about paying their bills on such a low salary, but constant battles over ruining a clean house can also cause havoc in a farmer’s personal life.